Contact us

Please include in all your emails:
STUDENT NAME (Pre-service Teacher)
Student Number
Course Name | Current Unit
Mob: xxxx xxx xxx
Curtin Email:
Academic queries
For academic queries or concerns about your unit learning, please contact your tutor.
- If your Tutor has not been able to resolve your query or concern, please contact your Unit Co-ordinator.
- For queries that not resolved after communication with your Tutor and Unit Coordinator, please contact your Course Coordinator.
Contact details for Tutors and Unit Co-ordinators can be found within the Blackboard Teaching Team sidebar link.
Professional experience queries
For professional experience queries or concerns, please use your Curtin email to contact
To help us manage your enquiry most effectively, please direct enquiries to one address at a time only (or include other relevant people in the email cc field).
It will greatly assist towards speedy resolution if you provide a summary and/or previous emails to indicate the history and progress of your issue.